If you have a event in the Caroline County, VA area and would like Caroline Weather Center to have a weather booth at your event, please contact me at least a few weeks before the event. Thank You!
Caroline Weather Center is all volunteer website/Facebook page. Other than donations and sponsor donations there is no income, so I appreciate your help with donations. I try to keep the website up daily and forecasts posted every day, but I do try to take off a day or too at times. John Wheeler does the forecasts and all of the other weather information that is posted each day. Denver Murray designs and makes the graphics that is used. He has his own weather page called Virginia Weather Plus. Due to limited post views on Facebook, it is recommended to keep a check on the website at www.carolineweathercenter.com website for updates if you don’t see them on the Facebook page.
Caroline Weather Center is located in Ruther Glen, VA in Caroline County, Virginia! All Volunteer Weather Website/Facebook Page. Website started in 2008, current Facebook page started in 2014, and has been apart of Central Virginia Weather, Virginia Weather Network, Charlottesville Weather Plus+ & Virginia Weather Plus+.